Stansted Clay Shooting Club Classification calculations.
Until a member has completed 3 shoots and been classified they will be shown as unclassified (UC).
Guest scores will be recorded but no classification given.
If a guest elects to become a member any scores recorded in the given 12 month period will qualify towards their classification.
Once a member has been put into a class, a review on the classifications will be calculated every six months. These take place after the June shoot and again after the December shoot, and will be calculated over the previous twelve month period. (So Jan to Dec and then July to June).
Members will be classified based on an average taken over a minimum of 3 scores within that twelve month period.
Members will be moved between the classes based on their average percentage as shown on the enclosed chart.
Only classified shooters will be eligible to compete in their applicable class during trophy shoots or other competitions the club may run.
Members who do not submit at least three scores over the period being measured will return to unclassified status.
Shooters who cease to be members will return to guest status.